WeedWise Program

Welcome Justin!

Help us welcome the newest member to the WeedWise team!

The WeedWise program is pleased to announce our newest staff member Justin Cooley!  Justin joined the WeedWise team in May and is already proving to be a valuable addition to our team.

Prior to joining the WeedWise team, Justin managed the invasive species control program for the Yamhill Soil and Water Conservation District. Justin also spent 5 years working for Metro’s Natural Areas Land Management Team. Justin brings this wealth of experience in managing invasive plants and implementing complex restoration efforts.

Justin will be leading much of our work in the Molalla River and Lower Willamette watersheds.  He shares a deep passion for his work and is already hitting the ground running. Justin was out controlling garlic mustard on his first week on the job.

Please help us welcome Justin!

Learn more about Justin and our other staff members at the WeedWise staff web page.