WeedWise Program

It’s Native Plant Appreciation Week!

Let’s Celebrate!

Boot Brushes at work! Note the weed seeds captured here. Photo courtesy: Emily Stevenson, Skamania County Noxious Weed Program

The WeedWise program is in the business of preventing and controlling invasive weeds.  As anyone that spends much time battling invasive weeds can attest, our work can feel a little daunting at times.  We all have those days when we are battling a rather bothersome patch of invasive weeds and lose sight of the real reason that we are controlling these plants…their impact. One of the greatest impacts that invasive weeds have is by replacing our native flora.  These native plants characterize our natural areas and provide the food and shelter our wildlife needs.  They are what help make Oregon…Oregon!

Native Plant Appreciation Week is April 26-May 2, 2020.  This event provides a great opportunity for us to reflect on why we work so hard to control invasive weeds.  So join us in celebrating the native flora that defines our wonderful state.

Get to Know Your Native Plants!

One of the best ways to enjoy Native Plant Appreciation Week is to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty of our state.  Unfortunately, many of our parks, natural areas, and favorite wildflower hotspots are closed due to the coronavirus stay-at-home order.  As a result, we are encouraging folks to instead spend some time familiarizing themselves with the amazing native plants of our region.

We have two great resources to enjoy during Native Plant Appreciation Week.  First, download the Native Plants Poster from our friends at the City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services.  This is a really great and concise guide for many of our common and beautiful native plants in our region.  Next, be sure to download the Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards from our partners at Metro.  Both of these guides will help you gain some familiarity with our local native plants.  Not only that, but these guides provide great information about how you can introduce and grow these plants into your home landscape.  What a great way to stay-at-home during Native Plant Appreciation Week!

During your next venture out to walk the dog or stretch your legs, be sure to keep an eye out for native plants growing around your neighborhood.  Consider sharing some of your observations on the iNaturalist App.  This is a great tool to not only document your observations but also to get help identifying your finds.  This tool not only documents native plants, but any observations including invasive weeds.  Your observations will help us to protect our native plants from the threat of invasive weeds!

Learning more about our native plants will allow you to hit the ground running when the stay-at-home order is finally lifted.  When that day finally arrives, be sure that before you venture out to your favorite wildflower hiking spot, you take the time to make sure to clean your boots, clothing, and equipment to avoid spreading invasive weed seeds.  We are one of the primary ways that invasive weeds spread, so help Stop Invasive Weeds in Your Tracks!

Learn Even More!

Check some of the links below for native plant information in celebration of Native Plant Awareness Week.

Native Plant Inspiration