WeedWise Program

Happy Trails Courtney Gattuso!

It is with a heavy heart, that after 4 years we bid a fond farewell to WeedWise Specialist and CWMA Coordinator, Courtney Gattuso.

Courtney has recently accepted a new position as the coordinator for the Western Invasive Network.  As WIN Coordinator, Courtney will continue to support Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMA) throughout Western Oregon, including the two CWMAs in Clackamas County.  So instead of “So long”, we are saying “See you soon!”.

Prior to joining the WeedWise program, Courtney worked at Metro Parks and Nature as a restoration technician and at Clean Water Services as a Landscape Specialist.  Courtney has also worked on a local restoration contract crew, focusing on invasive plant control and restoration.

Courtney joined the WeedWise program in October of 2018 and has split her time between working on invasive species management in the Sandy River watershed and coordinating both the 4-County and the Columbia Gorge Cooperative Weed Management Areas. With the complicated nature of Courtney’s split position, she has done an amazing job in advancing all aspects of her work.

Courtney is much more than her work! She is an amazing person to be around and has brought a cheerful approach to her work and to the WeedWise team. Her many contributions to our program will be sorely missed.

Learn more about Courtney and her work by reading her Staff Spotlight.

We wish Courtney all the best in her new adventure!

Happy Trails Courtney!