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The management of invasive weeds can be daunting task.  Invasive species are spreading across the landscape.  They ignore political and property boundaries, and when left unmanaged spread freely from neighbor to neighbor.  This unchecked movement, necessitates the need for strong partnerships and collaboration across political boundaries and across our region.  The WeedWise program is dedicated to partnering with local and regional entities to improve management of invasive weeds.  We work with various organizations on a regular basis to facilitate more effective control.  Below are just a few of the broad partnerships we support to improve management across our region.  Thanks to all of our partners for their support and dedication to reducing the impact from invasive weeds.

4-County Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA)

4cwma-CMYK_roundThe 4-County CWMA serves the greater Portland Metropolitan Area and includes Clackamas, Clark, Multnomah and Washington counties.  The partnership has twenty-eight formal partners representing federal, state and local governments,watershed councils, universities and local non-profits organizations.  The 4-County CWMA focuses on increasing collaboration  and communication among land managers within the Portland metropolitan area.  Issues related to urban weed management and public education are key areas of focus for the 4-County CWMA.

The WeedWise program has been a very active participant in the 4-County CWMA.  The WeedWise program currently administers the 4-County CWMA on behalf of the partnership.  All WeedWise program serves various leadership roles within the 4-County CWMA, including acting as CWMA Coordinator, Co-Chairing the CWMA Steering Committee, and Chairing the Mapping and Data Committee.

For more information about the 4-County CWMA visit their website at 4countycwma.org.

Clackamas River Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP)

CRISP(new colors)The Clackamas River Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) is a relatively new partnership focused specifically on invasive species management within the Clackamas River Basin.   The CRISP has thirteen informal members organizations representing a diversity of interests across the Clackamas Basin.   This partnership has recently completed a strategic management plan for the Clackamas Basin, that prioritizes efforts within the Basin based on partner participation, the threat of invasive weeds, and the quality of land within the basin.  Work has begun to begin coordination of on-the-ground  control efforts among partners, and to secure additional funding for future invasive weed control efforts.

The WeedWise program has assisted CRISP partners by helping to draft the strategic plan, including development of site and species prioritization models.  Staff is currently helping to form sub-basin working groups, and to secure more funding to aid in future weed control efforts within the Clackamas Basin.

Columbia Gorge Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA)

Columbia Gorge logoThe Columbia Gorge Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) is focused on collaborative weed management within the greater Columbia River Gorge.  The Sandy River Watershed in northern Clackamas County is one of the areas highlighted for management.  The Columbia Gorge CWMA has a strong focus on prevention and early detection of invasive weeds.  With an estimated 2 million people visiting the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area each year, the CWMA focuses highly on education and outreach to the general public.  Public land managers are working collaboratively across the area, to prevent the establishment of invasive weeds, and to respond to new invasions as soon as they are detected.

The WeedWise program is an active member of the Columbia Gorge CWMA. The WeedWise program currently administers the Columbia Gorge CWMA on behalf of the partnership.  WeedWise program serve several leadership roles within the Columbia Gorge CWMA, including acting as CWMA Coordinator, and serving on the Steering Committee, and Education and Outreach Committees.

For more information about the Columbia Gorge CWMA please visit their website at columbiagorgecwma.org.

Oregon iMapInvasives

orimap-logo-fill-original-copyUnderstanding the distribution of invasive weeds is a critical component to effectively manage the dispersal and spread.  The mapping of invasive weed populations allow us to understand if weeds spread by roads or streams, what types of habitats they invade, and were we might expect new infestations to occur.  Oregon iMapInvasives has been a critical tool for the sharing and aggregation of invasive species distribution data.  Originally championed by the Oregon Invasive Species Council, Oregon iMapInvasives is overseen by the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center and is supported by fourteen partners working through the state of Oregon.  Continued development of iMapInvasives is also undertaken in cooperation from partners from eleven states or provinces.

The WeedWise program has been active partner of iMapInvasives since its introduction to the state.  The Clackamas SWCD, has been an financial supporter of the program since inception, and remains a strong advocate for its use.  WeedWise program staff have assisted the Oregon iMapInvasives in website testing, and enhancements to the database structure.

For more information about Oregon ImapInvasives check out the Oregon iMapInvasives Resources page at sites.google.com/site/orimapresources or check out the weed distribution data at imapinvasives.org/orimi/map

Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC)

oiscThe Oregon Invasive Species Council is organization created in 2001 by the Oregon Legislature.  The council is comprised of a seventeen member panel representing diverse interests across the state.  The OISC considers impacts from all taxa including weeds, and they have championed many initiatives including the Oregon Invasive Species Hotline and Oregon iMapInvasives.  The council has a strong focus on education and policy within Oregon related to invasive species management.

The WeedWise program currently serves as the county lead for the Oregon Invasives Species Hotline, and actively promotes its use.  WeedWise program staff also serves on the council Advisory Committee to help inform decision making at the state level.

For more information about the Oregon Invasive Species Council, visit their website at oregoninvasivespeciescouncil.org.

Pacific Northwest Invasive Plants Council (PNW-IPC)

PNW_IPC_LOGOThe Pacific Northwest Invasives Plants Council is a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing the spread of invasive weeds in the Pacific Northwest.  The PNW-IPC includes the states of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska and the provinces of British Columbia and Yukon.  The primary focus of this organization is to inform the policy makers and the general public regarding invasive species related issues, and to promote communication between managers at the state and national levels.

The WeedWise program has partnered with the PNW-IPC to host a citizen science based trainings in Clackamas County for early detection efforts in the Mt. Hood National Forest.  These efforts mirror similar efforts on other national forest in Washington.  The WeedWise program is pleased to support expansion into Oregon.

For more information about the Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council visit their website at pnw-ipc.org

Play Clean Go

Play-clean-goPlay Clean Go is a national effort to prevent the spread of invasive species across the US.  This partnership focuses on messaging of the threat of invasive species, and potential for spread from recreation.  Originally developed in Minnesota, the Play Clean Go campaign has grown nationally to include more than 170 organizations working together to share a common message to prevent the spread of invasive species.

The WeedWise program formally joined the Play Clean Go campaign in 2015.  We are currently working with other local partners to share this common messaging throughout our region.

For information about Play Clean Go, check their website at playcleango.org


Sandy Basin Vegetation Restoration Coalition (SBVRC)

SBVRClogoThe Sandy Basin Vegetation Restoration Coalition, was created to promote control of invasive weeds and to restore riparian vegetation throughout the Sandy River Basin.  The SBVRC is comprised of members representing thirteen informal members organizations working with the Sandy Basin.   The SBVRC has focused broadly on early detection and rapid response efforts, as well as on riparian restoration activities.

The WeedWise program has participated in the SBVRC since its inception.  WeedWise program efforts have focused on early detection and rapid response efforts for priority weed species within Clackamas County.

Western Invasives Network (WIN)

PrintThe Western Invasive Network, previously known at the Northwest Weed Management Partnership is an organization dedicated to the creation and maintenance of Cooperative Weed Management Areas in western Oregon and southwestern Washington.  The WIN serves as a technical resource and as a conduit for communication between land managers.  The efforts of the WIN are intended to increase the capacity and continuity of invasive weed management across the region.

The WeedWise program currently oversees coordination of two CWMAs within the WIN.  WeedWise staff work closely with share our efforts with other CWMAs throughout the region to promote the management of invasive weeds.  WeedWise program staff has also previously served on the WIN steering committee to help with administration and planning for the partnership.

For more information about the Western Invasive Network visit their website at cascadepacific.org/western-invasives-network.

Willamette Aquatic Invasives Network (WAIN)

WAINlogoWAIN is comprised of natural resource and conservation professionals who work for diverse government agencies, universities, soil and water conservation districts, watershed councils, non-profits, and other organizations throughout the Willamette Basin. The purpose of the Willamette Aquatic Invasives Network is to: 1) Foster collaboration to share information, expertise, technologies, scientific data, and best management practices; 2) Develop strategies to protect aquatic resources; and 3) Restore riparian habitat in the Willamette River Basin.

The WeedWise program currently supports WAIN efforts through data sharing and consultation on data collection, protocols, and prioritization.

For more information about the Willamette Aquatic Invasives Network visit their website.


WeedWise Program