Product Names: Accord, Aquamaster, Rodeo, Roundup, and various others Rate: Broadcast: 2 - 3 qt per acre (2.25 to 3.4 lb ae/acre) Spot treat: use 0.5% to 1.5% v/v solutions. Time: Apply postemergence in late summer to early fall, (August - October) after canes and leaf canopy has reached maturity. Applications should be made before a killing frost. Comments: Re-treatment may be required to achieve effective control. Glyphosate is not selective and will harm grasses as well as broadleaf plants. Use care when working around desirable plants to avoid damage. Leaves should be sprayed until wet but not dripping to achieve good control.
Product Names: Garlon 4 (triclopyr ester), Garlon 3A, Element 3A (triclopyr amine), Vastlan (triclopyr choline) Rate: Broadcast: Triclopyr ester- 1-4 lb ae/acre, Triclopyr amine- 1.5-4.5 lb ae/acre, Triclopyr choline- 2-4 lb ae/acre. Spot treat: Triclopyr ester use 0.75% to 1% v/v solution, Triclopyr amine use 1% v/v solution. Basal Bark: Triclopyr ester- use 20% v/v solution with basal oil or seed oil. Time: Apply postemergence in late summer to early fall, (August - October) after canes and leaf canopy has reached maturity. Applications should be made before a killing frost. Comments: Re-treatment may be required to achieve effective control. Triclopyr is selective and will harm desirable broadleaf plants, trees, and shrubs. Use care when working around desirable plants to avoid damage. Leaves should be sprayed until wet but not dripping to achieve good control. Triclopyr ester formulations may volatilize under warm temperatures.
Product Names: Crossbow (Triclopyr + 2, 4D), Capstone (Triclopyr + aminopyralid) Rate: Broadcast: Triclopyr + 2, 4D- 1.5 gallons/acre, Triclopyr + aminopyralid- 6-9 pints/acre. Spot treat: Triclopyr + 2, 4D- 1.0% to 1.5% v/v solution, Triclopyr + aminopyralid- equivalent to 6-9 pints/acre. Time: Apply postemergence in late summer to early fall, (August - October) after canes and leaf canopy has reached maturity. Applications should be made before a killing frost. Comments: Re-treatment may be required to achieve effective control. Triclopyr + 2, 4D and Ticlopyr + aminopyralid are selective and will not harm grasses, but may damage desirable broadleaf plants, trees, and shrubs. Use care when working around desirable plants to avoid damage. Leaves should be sprayed until wet but not dripping to achieve good control. Forage and manure derived from areas treated with Ticlopyr + aminopyralid, should not be composted or used around desirable vegetation. Check the label for specific warnings and recommendations.
Product Names: Escort Rate:0.5 to 1 oz product/acre (0.3 to 0.6 oz ai/acre) Time: Apply postemergence in late summer when fully leafed out, but before leaf discoloration. Comments: Metsulfuron is primarily active against broadleaf plants and generally will not harm grasses.