WeedWise Program

A New Adventure for Lindsey Karr!

After 6 years of serving the Clackamas River, we bid a fond farewell to WeedWise Specialist and CRISP Coordinator,  Lindsey Karr.

Lindsey joined the WeedWise program in December 2016 as the first coordinator for the newly founded Clackamas River Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP).  This position focused on invasive weed management and coordination of efforts between CRISP partners working within the Clackamas River watershed.

Prior to joining the WeedWise program, Lindsey worked as the seasonal Invasive Plant Field Coordinator for Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, where she focused on ricefield bulrush and other invasive plants.  Throughout her career, Lindsey has shared her knowledge and expertise with several organizations in our region as a technician and plant ecologist.

The knowledge and expertise that Lindsey brought to her work, were complimented by her love for nature and her passion for hiking and adventure. When she wasn’t out in the field managing weeds, she was out on the trail hiking or running!

Lindsey has recently accepted a new position with Metro Parks and Nature as an Assistant GIS Specialist, where she will continue to support efforts in the Clackamas River watershed and beyond.  We are excited for Lindsey and her new adventure.  We can’t wait to see the positive impacts that she will bring in her new position.

The WeedWise program will certainly miss Lindsey and her thoughtful and diligent approach to her work! She has been an outstanding member of our team and will be sorely missed.

Learn more about Lindsey and her work by reading her Staff Spotlight.

Happy Trails Lindsey!