Tag Archives | invasive


January’s Weed of the Month: English Ivy

English ivy (Hedera helix) may conjure up images of cozy, country cottages, but don’t be deceived. This invasive weed can destroy buildings, poison pets, and topple trees. The very characteristics that made it a popular ornamental plant – grows quickly, requires little maintenance, provides a “no-mow,” evergreen ground cover — are the things that have […]

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December’s Weed of the Month: English Holly

English holly (Ilex aquifolium) is a popular evergreen frequently noticed during the month of December when festive decorators “deck the halls with boughs of holly”.  For many people, the shiny, dark green leaves and red berries of holly are synonymous with the holiday season. This popular plant, however, is not native to Oregon.  In fact, […]

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It’s Native Plant Appreciation Week!

Let’s Celebrate! The WeedWise program is in the business of preventing and controling invasive weeds.  As anyone that spends much time battling invasive weeds can attest, our work can feel a little daunting at times.  We all have those days, when we are battling a rather pernicious patch of invasive weeds, and lose site of […]

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What are weeds?

There are a whole host of terms to describe weeds.  The term “weeds” itself can refer to any plant that occurs in an undesirable location. Terms like “non-native“, “exotic“, “alien” or “non-indigenous” refer to plants that occur in areas where they historically did not occur.  These terms make no distinction whether plants are desirable or undesirable.  The term “invasive” refers to a plant or animal that exhibits aggressive growth and displace other species.  Other terms like “noxious” or “nuisance” refer to plants that have special designation by the state or by a municipality the prohibits their sale or cultivation.  With this broad diversity of terms, it is no wonder that many people find themselves confused and wondering how to make sense of it all.

At the WeedWise program, we hope to clarify this issue by focusing on plants we refer to as “invasive weeds”Invasive weeds are plants that live outside their historic geographical range, and whose aggressive growth habit has a detrimental effect on our social, economic, or ecologic resources.  The three key components of invasive weeds are:

  1. They did not historically occur in our area but have been brought in either intentionally or unintentionally through human action.
  2. They exhibit aggressive growth that displaces native or desirable vegetation and will continue to spread unless actively controlled.
  3. They have a negative impact on our community.

These three characteristics clarify invasive weeds as those plants that pose the greatest threat to our community.  By focusing on invasive weeds the WeedWise program is working to maximize its limited resources to realize the greatest benefit to Clackamas County.

Defining our priorities

All invasive weeds pose a major threat to the residents of Clackamas County, but some of these pests can be more damaging than others.  In addition, the costs to control these invasive weeds greatly exceed the resources available for their management.  As a result, the WeedWise program has prioritized its efforts to target invasive weeds that pose the greatest risk, have the greatest negative impact, and may still be limited enough in their distribution to allow for eradication or containment in Clackamas County.  For these “priority” invasive weeds, the WeedWise program may have resources available to assistance Clackamas County landowners to control or manage these weeds.  For more common invasive weeds, the WeedWise program offers technical information and consultations to improve your efforts and to make your management practices more effective.

WeedWise Classifications

Priority:  These weeds are the highest priority and are actively being targeted for eradication by the WeedWise Program.  Landowners are encouraged to notify the WeedWise program for assistance with these weeds and to actively control them on their property.

Containment:  These weeds are a priority for management.  In some areas, these weeds are so widespread that treatments are not feasible in all locations.  For these weeds, infestations will be targeted for eradication when they occur outside of established containment areas.  For infestations within containment areas, landowners are encouraged to contact the WeedWise program for technical assistance in developing plans to improve the management of these invasive weeds.

Maintenance:  These weeds are damaging and widespread.  The WeedWise Program encourages control by landowners and can assist with the development of a plan to control these weeds.

No designation:  Some weeds listed below have no designation.  This is because the listed weed is either not a state-listed noxious weed or because it is not known to occur in or near Clackamas County.

Clackamas Weed List

Common NameScientific NameWeedWise ClassificationOregon ClassificationWashington Classification4-County CWMAColumbia Gorge CWMA
VelvetleafAbutilon theophrastipriorityBBBB
Barbed GoatgrassAegilops triuncialispriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Tree of HeavenAilanthus altissimamaintenanceBCBC
Garlic mustardAlliaria petiolatacontainmentB,TABA
False indigo bush Amorpha fruticosapriorityBBnot listedB
Wild chervilAnthriscus sylvestrismaintenancenot listedBnot listedB
Italian arumArum italicummaintenancenot listedCBB
False bromeBrachypodium sylvaticumcontainmentBABA
Butterfly bushBuddleja davidii (Buddleja varabilis)maintenanceBBBB
Flowering rush Butomus umbellatuspriorityA,TAWA
Welted thistleCarduus crispuspriorityA,Tnot listednot listednot listed
Drooping sedgeCarex pendulacontainmentWnot listedWB
Meadow knapweedCentaurea × moncktonii (C. pratensis)maintenanceBBBB
Spotted knapweedCentaurea stoebe (C. maculosa)maintenanceB,TBBB
Rush skeletonweedChondrilla junceapriorityB, TBDB
Canada thistleCirsium arvensemaintenanceBCCC
Bull thistleCirsium vulgaremaintenanceBCDC
Old man's beardClematis vitalbamaintenanceBCBC
Poison hemlockConium maculatummaintenanceBBBB
English hawthornCrataegus monogynamaintenanceBCCC
Yellow nutsedgeCyperus esculentusmaintenanceBBBB
HoundstongueCynoglossum officinalepriorityBBDB
Scotch broomCytisus scopariusmaintenanceBBCB
Wild carrot Daucus carotamaintenancenot listedCCC
Spurge laurelDaphne laureolapriorityBBBB
Common teaselDipsacus fullonummaintenancenot listedCCC
South American waterweedEgeria densamaintenanceBBCB
Myrtle spurgeEuphorbia myrsinitesmaintenanceBBEB
Oblong spurgeEuphorbia oblongatapriorityA,TAAA
GoatsrueGalega officinalispriorityA, TAAA
Shining geraniumGeranium lucidummaintenanceBBBA
Herb robertGeranium robertianummaintenanceBBCB
English ivyHedera helixmaintenanceBCCB
Irish ivyHedera hibernicamaintenanceBCCB
Giant hogweedHeracleum mantegazzianumpriorityA, TAAA
Orange hawkweedHieracium aurantiacumpriorityA,TBAA
Meadow hawkweedHieracium caespitosumpriorityB,TBAB
St. John's wort Hypericum perforatummaintenanceBCCC
Hairy cat's earHypochaeris radicatamaintenancenot listedCCC
JewelweedImpatiens capensismaintenanceWCCW
Policeman's helmet Impatiens glanduliferacontainmentBBBB
Yellow flag irisIris pseudacorusmaintenanceBCBB
Yellow archangelLamium galeobdolonmaintenanceBBBB
Large-flowered primrose willowLudwigia grandifloracontainmentB, Tnot listednot listedB
Primrose willowLudwigia hexapetalacontainmentB, TBnot listedB
Water primroseLudwigia peploides ssp. montevidensiscontainmentB, TAAA
Purple loosestrifeLythrum salicaria containmentBBBB
Fragrant water lilyNymphaea odoratanot listedCDC
Small broomrapeOrobanche minormaintenanceBnot listedDA
African ruePeganum harmalapriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Japanese butterburPetasites japonicanot listednot listedWB
American pokeweedPhytolacca americanaWnot listedBA
RibbongrassPhalaris arundinacea var. pictamaintenanceB,T Cnot listedC
Reed canarygrassPhalaris arundinaceamaintenanceWCnot listedC
Bohemian knotweedFallopia × bohemica ( Polygonum × bohemicum )containmentBBCB
Japanese knotweedFallopia japonica ( Polygonum cuspidatum )containmentBBBB
Giant knotweedFallopia sachalinensis ( Polygonum sachalinensis )containmentBBBB
Curly-leaf pondweedPotamogeton crispusmaintenancenot listedCCC
Sulphur cinquefoilPotentilla rectapriorityBBAB
KudzuPueraria montanapriorityA,TAAA
Lesser celandineRanunculus ficariamaintenanceBBBB
Armenian (Himalayan) blackberryRubus armeniacus (R. bifrons, R. procerus, R. discolor)maintenanceBCCC
Evergreen blackberryRubus laciniatusmaintenancenot listedCCC
Tansy ragwortSenecio jacobaeamaintenanceBBBB
Common groundselSenecio vulgarismaintenancenot listedCnot listedC
Blessed milk thistleSilybum marianumpriorityBAAA
Perennial sowthistleSonchus arvensis ssp. arvensismaintenancenot listedCDC
Common tansyTanacetum vulgaremaintenancenot listedCCC
GorseUlex europaeuspriorityB,TBAA
Garden yellow loosestrifeLysimachia vulgarispriorityA,TBAW
Spiny cockleburXanthium spinosumpriorityBCDC
Syrian bean-caperZygophyllum fabagopriorityAAAA
Biddy-biddyAcaena novae-zelandiaepriorityBnot listednot listedW
Russian KnapweedAcroptilon repenspriorityBBAB
Pheasant eyeAdonis aestivalispriorityBnot listednot listednot listed
Jointed goatgrassAegilops cylindricapriorityBCnot listedC
Ovate GoatgrassAegilops ovatapriorityAnot listedAW
CamelthornAlhagi pseudalhagipriorityABAA
BlackgrassAlopecurus myosuroidesnot listedCAW
Yellow tuftAlyssum corsicumpriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Yellow tuftAlyssum muralepriorityA,Tnot listedAW
RagweedAmbrosia artemisiifoliapriorityBnot listedDB
Annual buglossAnchusa arvensisnot listedBnot listedB
Common buglossAnchusa officinalispriorityB,TBAB
Absinth wormwoodArtemisia absinthiumnot listedCnot listedC
South African capeweedArtotheca calendulaWnot listednot listedW
Giant reedArundo donaxpriorityBnot listednot listedA
Common barberryBerberis vulgarisnot listedCnot listedW
Hoary allysumBerteroa incanapriorityA,TBAB
White bryoniaBryonia albapriorityABAA
FanwortCabomba caroliniananot listedBnot listedW
Plumeless thistleCarduus acanthoidespriorityA,TBAA
Turkish thistleCarduus cinereuspriorityAnot listednot listednot listed
Musk thistleCarduus nutanspriorityBBEB
Italian thistleCarduus pycnocephaluspriorityBADA
Slender-flowered thistleCarduus tenuifloruspriorityBADA
Smooth distaff thistleCarthamus baeticuspriorityAnot listedAW
Woolly distaff thistleCarthamus lanatuspriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Whitestem distaff thistleCarthamus leucocaulosWnot listednot listedW
Wild safflowerCarthamus oxyacanthaWnot listednot listedW
Longspine sandburCenchrus longispinusnot listedCnot listedC
Purple starthistleCentaurea calcitrapapriorityA,TAAA
Diffuse knapweedCentaurea diffusamaintenanceBBBB
Iberian starthistleCentaurea ibericapriorityA,Tnot listedAA
Brown knapweedCentaurea jacea maintenancenot listedBFB
Big-headed knapweedCentaurea macrocephalamaintenanceWAnot listedA
Malta starthistleCentaurea melitensismaintenancenot listedBnot listednot listed
Black knapweedCentaurea nigra maintenancenot listedBnot listedB
Vochin knapweedCentaurea nigrescensmaintenancenot listedAnot listedA
Yellow starthistleCentaurea solstitialispriorityBBAB
Feather-headed knapweedCentaurea trichocephalaWnot listednot listedW
Squarrose knapweedCentaurea virgatapriorityA,Tnot listednot listedA
Oriental clematisClematis orientalisnot listedAnot listedA
Field bindweedConvolvulus arvensismaintenanceB,TCCC
Jubata grassCortaderia jubatapriorityBCWB
Pampass grassCortaderia selloanaWCWC
Common crupinaCrupina vulgarismaintenanceBAnot listedW
Smoothseed alfalfa dodderCuscuta approximatamaintenanceBCnot listedC
Bigseed dodderCuscuta indecoramaintenanceBnot listednot listednotlisted
Japanese dodder Cuscuta japonicapriorityAnot listedAW
Five-angled dodderCuscuta pentagonamaintenanceBnot listednot listednotlisted
Purple nutsedgeCyperus rotunduspriorityAnot listedAA
Portuguese broomCytisus striatuspriorityB,Tnot listedWW
Cape ivyDelairea odoratapriorityAnot listedAW
Cutleaf teaselDipsacus laciniatuspriorityBnot listednot listedW
Tree echiumEchium pininanaWnot listednot listedW
Paterson's curseEchium plantagineumpriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Viper buglossEchium vulgareWBnot listedB
Water hyacinthEichhornia crassipesWnot listednot listednot listed
Russian oliveElaeagnus angustifolianot listedCnot listedC
Hairy willow-herbEpilobium hirsutum not listedBnot listedB
Spanish heath Erica lusitanicamaintenanceBnot listedWW
Toothed spurgeEuphorbia dentataWnot listednot listedW
Leafy spurgeEuphorbia esulapriorityB, TBBA
Common fennelFoeniculum vulgarenot listedBCB
French broomGenista monspessulanapriorityBAWA
Reed sweetgrassGlyceria maximanot listedAnot listedA
BabysbreathGypsophila paniculatanot listedCnot listedC
HalogetonHalogeton glomeratuspriorityBnot listednot listedW
Texas blueweedHelianthus ciliarisnot listedAnot listedA
SpikeweedHemizonia pungenspriorityBCnot listedC
Yellow hawkweedHieracium × floribundumpriorityA,TBAA
Polar hawkweedHieracium atratumnot listedBnot listedW
Whiplash hawkweedHieracium flagellarenot listedBnot listedW
Queen-devil hawkweedHieracium glomeratumnot listedBnot listedW
Common hawkweedHieracium lachenaliinot listedBnot listedB
Pale hawkweedHieracium lactucellanot listedBnot listedW
Smooth hawkweedHieracium laevigatumnot listedBnot listedW
Spotted hawkweedHieracium maculatumnot listedBnot listedW
Wall hawkweedHieracium murorumnot listedBWW
Mouse-ear hawkweedHieracium pilosellapriorityA,TBAA
King-devil hawkweedHieracium piloselloidespriorityA,TBAA
European hawkweedHieracium sabaudumnot listedBnot listedW
HydrillaHydrilla verticillatapriorityAAWA
Common frogbitHydrocharis morsus-ranaepriorityAnot listedAW
Black henbaneHyoscyamus nigernot listedCnot listedC
English hollyIlex aquifoliummaintenanceWWCnot listed
Small-flowered jewelweedImpatiens parvifloraprioritynot listedAAA
Dyers woadIsatis tinctoriapriorityBAnot listedA
KochiaKochia scopariapriorityBBnot listedB
Perennial peavineLathyrus latifoliusmaintenanceBnot listedCC
Lens-podded whitetopLepidium chalepensepriorityBnot listedAB
Hoary cressLepidium drabapriorityBCAB
Perennial pepperweedLepidium latifoliumpriorityB,TBAB
Hairy whitetopLepidium pubescenspriorityBCnot listedC
LepyrodiclisLepyrodiclis holosteoidesnot listedCnot listedW
Oxeye daisyLeucanthemum vulgaremaintenancenot listedCCC
West Indian spongeplantLimnobium laevigatumpriorityAAAW
Dalmatian toadflaxLinaria dalmaticapriorityB, TBBB
Yellow toadflaxLinaria vulgarismaintenanceBCBC
Rose campionLychnus coronariaWnot listednot listedW
Wand loosestrifeLythrum virgatum not listedBnot listedW
Scentless mayweedMatricaria perforatanot listedCnot listedC
Wild four o'clockMirabilis nyctagineanot listedAnot listedW
Variable-leaf milfoilMyriophyllum heterophyllumnot listedAnot listedA
Eurasian watermilfoilMyriophyllum spicatummaintenanceBBCB
Hybrid watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum × M. sibiricum not listedCnot listednot listed
Parrots featherMyrophyllum aquaticummaintenanceBBBB
MatgrassNardus strictapriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Yellow floating heartNymphoides peltatapriorityA, TBAA
Scotch thistleOnopordum acanthiumpriorityBBAB
Taurian thistleOnopordum tauricumpriorityA,Tnot listedAW
Mile-a-minute weedPersicaria perfoliataWnot listednot listedW
Common reed Phragmites australis ssp. australispriorityBBAB
Hawkweed oxtonguePicris hieracioides not listedBnot listedB
Himalayan knotweedPolygonum polystachyumpriorityBBnot listedB
Austrian fieldcressRorippa austriacanot listedCnot listedC
Creeping yellow cressRorippa sylvestrismaintenanceBnot listednot listedA
Sweet briar roseRosa rubiginosa ( R.eglanteria )Wnot listednot listedW
RavennagrassSaccharum ravennaepriorityAAAA
Grass-leaved arrowheadSagittaria graminea not listedBnot listedW
Delta arrowheadSagittaria platyphyllapriorityAnot listedAnot listed
Mediterranean sageSalvia aethiopismaintenanceBAnot listedA
Meadow clarySalvia pratensisnot listedAnot listedW
Clary sageSalvia sclareaWAnot listedW
Ricefield bulrushSchoenoplectus mucronatuspriorityWADA
Cereal ryeSecale cerealenot listedCnot listedC
White cockleSilene latifolia ssp. albanot listedCnot listedC
Silverleaf nightshadeSolanum elaeagnifoliumpriorityAAAA
BuffaloburSolanum rostratumpriorityBCDC
Sticky nightshadeSolanum sisymbriifoliumWnot listednot listedW
Field BurrweedSoliva sessilisnot listedCnot listedW
JohnsongrassSorghum halepensepriorityBAEA
Smooth cordgrassSpartina alterniflorapriorityA, TAAW
Common cordgrassSpartina anglicapriorityA,TAAW
Dense-flowered cordgrassSpartina densiflorapriorityA,TAAW
Saltmeadow cordgrassSpartina patenspriorityA,TAAW
Spanish broomSpartium junceumpriorityBAFA
SwainsonpeaSphaerophysa salsulapriorityBCnot listedC
Water soldiersStratiotes aloidespriorityAnot listedAnot listed
Medusahead ryeTaeniatherum caput-medusaepriorityBnot listedCC
SaltcedarTamarix ramosissimapriorityB,TBWB
Spurge flaxThymelaea passerinanot listedBnot listedW
European water chestnutTrapa natanspriorityAnot listedAA
PuncturevineTribulus terrestrispriorityBBCB
ColtsfootTussilago farfarapriorityABAA
Narrowleaf cattailTypha angustifolianot listedCnot listedC
Southern cattailTypha domingensisnot listedCnot listedW
Miniature cattailTypha minimanot listedCnot listedW
White cattailTypha x glaucanot listedCnot listedW
North Africa grassVentenata dubia ( V. avenacea )maintenanceBCnot listedC
Japanese eelgrassZostera japonicaWCnot listedW
WeedWise Program