
Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is this Saturday, April 22, 2017! Earth Day provides a great opportunity to reflect on the planet we all love and share.  One of the biggest threats to our natural systems is from the threat of invasive species.  The introduction and unchecked spread of invasive weeds disrupts food chains and can cause a […]

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April’s Weed of the Month: Garlic Mustard

Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is an increasingly invasive weed in our community.  Native to central and western Europe, this fast-growing plant commonly invades sites such as parks, trails, roadsides, and streamsides. April is a great time to manage this priority invasive weed on your property. Sometimes referred to as Jack-by-the-hedge, garlic mustard is easily identified […]

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Got Mail?

Did you recently receive a letter in the mail from the WeedWise program? The WeedWise Program is preparing for another season of priority weed control, and we are reaching out to landowners across Clackamas County that are currently impacted or under threat from priority invasive weeds. If you received one of our mailings requesting  permission […]

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Its National Invasive Species Awareness Week!

National Invasive Species Awareness Week (February 27 -March 3, 2017) kicks off today! Once a year, folks around the country take a full week to consider the many impacts that non-native invasive species have on our communities, working lands, natural areas, and pocket books.  So take a moment to celebrate with the WeedWise Program to […]

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Project Highlight: Clackamas River Invasive Species Partnership

The Clackamas River Basin is not without its fair share of invasive weeds.  Thankfully, we have a hard working group of skilled land managers actively managing these invasive weeds.  Formed in late 2015, the Clackamas River Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) was established to improve the coordination of weed management in the Clackamas Basin. This partnership […]

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Staff Spotlight: Jeff Lesh, WeedWise Specialist

Get to know the WeedWise program, through our people! The success of the WeedWise program is in great part due to the hard work and dedication of our staff.  If you have ever called the office or stopped by for assistance with your weed problems, you have undoubtedly worked with one of our hard-working employees.  […]

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January’s Weed of the Month!

Our first 2017 weed of the month is ivy! You’ve probably seen it carpeting the ground in a natural area, or perhaps completely covering a wall, or possibly climbing high up a tree. Like many invasive plants, it was introduced as an attractive ornamental plant for landscaping. However, it escaped! Ivy has become highly invasive […]

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WeedWise Program