Oblong Spurge (Euphorbia oblongata)


Common names:

Oblong spurge, eggleaf spurge

Scientific Name:

Euphorbia oblongata


Oblong spurge is an escaped ornamental in the Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia) family. It has a branching stem that produces up to 20 stems from a woody rootstallk. The leaves are alternate, hairless,finely toothed, somewhat oblong and egg-shaped, and up to 2.6 inches long. The flowers are very small and yellow, and they grow in clusters surrounded by yellow-ish green bracts and leaves. The stems contain a milky, latex sap that can cause skin irritation. The seeds have a sticky coating and can eject several feet. The plant spreads mostly by seed, but also through root fragments.

Life cycle:


Height of mature plants

3 feet

Flower color:


Bloom time:

March – August


Oblong spurge looks similar to other Euphorbia species, especially leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) whose leaves are more narrow.


Oblong spurge does best in moist soil conditions, but can grow in a wide variety of habitats including damp meadows, pastures, stream banks, shady woodlands, roadsides, and disturbed areas.


Oblong spurge can form dense stands that out-compete native plants, thus reducing plant diversity and habitat. The stems also contain a toxic milky sap that can irritate skin and internal soft tissues of livestock when ingested.

Noxious Weed Listing:


Southeast and Mediterranean Europe


Oregon Noxious Weed Profile
Washington Noxious Weed Profile
California Invasive Plant Council Profile
CABI Invasive Species Compendium

WeedWise Program