
It’s Native Plant Appreciation Week!

Let’s Celebrate! The WeedWise program is in the business of preventing and controlling invasive weeds.  As anyone that spends much time battling invasive weeds can attest, our work can feel a little daunting at times.  We all have those days, when we are battling a rather bothersome patch of invasive weeds, and lose sight of […]

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April’s Weed of the Month: Garlic Mustard

Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is an increasingly invasive weed in our community.  Native to central and western Europe, this fast-growing plant commonly invades sites such as parks, trails, roadsides, and streamsides. April is a great time to manage this priority invasive weed on your property. Sometimes referred to as Jack-by-the-hedge, garlic mustard is easily identified […]

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March’s Weed of the Month: Canada thistle

Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is a widespread invasive weed found in all parts of Clackamas County.  Unlike the many native thistles found in Oregon, Canada thistle can quickly overrun an area and displace native plants, reduce agricultural yield, and create problems for grazing animals when they infest a field or pasture. They also cost a […]

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Its National Invasive Species Awareness Week!

National Invasive Species Awareness Week (February 26 -March 2, 2018) kicks off today! Once a year, folks around the country take a full week to consider the many impacts that non-native invasive species have on our communities, working lands, natural areas, and pocket books.  So take a moment to celebrate with the WeedWise Program to […]

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Local partners join forces to tackle costly invasive weeds along the Clackamas River

Invasive weeds currently cost Oregonians millions of dollars each year. One recent estimate indicates that without intervention these will increase to $1.8 billion in personal income losses a year from degraded lands and reduced productivity. What is being done? A local effort is underway to help mitigate the impacts of these invasive weeds along the […]

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The Undesirable Beauty of Lesser Celandine

Each spring we welcome the return of abundant flowers and cherish them as they lift our spirits. Unfortunately, some of these beautiful plants have proven to be aggressive and ultimately highly unwanted. Look out for this one! One such menace is Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) which displaces more desirable plants in lawns, gardens, parks, and […]

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January’s Weed of the Month: English Ivy

English ivy (Hedera helix) may conjure up images of cozy, country cottages, but don’t be deceived. This invasive weed can destroy buildings, poison pets, and topple trees. The very characteristics that made it a popular ornamental plant – grows quickly, requires little maintenance, provides a “no-mow,” evergreen ground cover — are the things that have […]

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WeedWise Program